Select a criminal law case from the Opinions of the Court page of the U.S. Supre

Select a criminal law case from the Opinions of the Court page of the U.S. Supreme Court website.
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (excluding the title, introductory and reference slides from the total number of slides required), with speaker notes, in which you address the following: 
Summarize the case.
Who were the main parties in the case?
What were the charges?
What defense was used? Refer to Ch. 6 of Essential Criminal Law for possible defenses.
What was the decision?
Identify the functions and effects of criminal law in modern society reflected in the case you selected.
What function did the law serve in the case?
What effect did the law have in the case?
Cite all sources used according to APA guidelines.
You do not have to make a title page Since it is not included in the 10 slides. Also, you can just List the references you used and I’ll put them on a page. Please cite all references.
The PowerPoint does not have to be very wordy, but the speaker notes Need to be detailed.

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