Topic: Analyze Hamlet’s identity crisis. How can his identity crisis be seen a

 Topic: Analyze Hamlet’s identity crisis. How can his identity crisis be seen as one that includes Socrates’ philosophical views among other Enlightenment philosopher’s views of skepticism that lead him to doubt in reason and any sentience in his own world for numerous reasons, as he battles to keep his role as the prince and future king in a politically corrupt Denmark?
Seven to eight paragraphs. It is required that you include at least seven sources from the library worksheet. Examine a specific interpretation of the purpose of a genre from the second half of the semester in your research by including literary criticism to answer a specific aspect in the prompt or prompts. Assignment required to include an introduction with a specific thesis focusing on an innovative interpretation of the work, at least five body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. You may focus on a specific point of characterization, various philosophical views, cultural issues, religious views, political views, among other themes, and symbolic representations to focus your interpretation of the purpose of the literary work based on the prompt or prompts that you will focus on in your research as you tie your points of interpretation into one cohesive point of view that is debatable in the thesis statement at the end of the introduction. 

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