research your topic by gathering information from magazines, books, or by search

research your topic by gathering information from magazines, books, or by searching the internet. There is a list of topic words and links below that will aide you in your research. You are not limited to this list however. If you find additional resources, use them. Make sure to save your links to favorites on the computer or write them down so you can refer to them throughout your essay. You should include in-text citations as you paraphrase or quote material from your sources and you should include a reference list at the end of your essay. Note: These items must be clearly presented in your paper.
In the first part of the paper, explain that you are comparing the medium, technique, and process used by the Japanese woodblock artist Kitagawa Utamaro to the engraving process used by the German artist Albrecht Dürer.
You may refer to the images above when comparing works of both artists. Use the image’s name when referring to it in your paper.
Describe the period of time (dates) when Kitagawa Utamaro’s woodblocks were produced. Give a brief history on the artist and their culture and how this influenced how the artist’s work looked.
Research, identify, and explain the medium, technique, and process used by Kitagawa Utamaro to create his woodblocks.
Describe the period of time (dates) when Albrecht Dürer’s engravings were produced. Give a brief history on the artist and their culture and how this influenced how the artist’s work looked.
Research, identify, and explain the medium, technique, and process used by Albrecht Dürer to create his engravings.
Compare the woodblock process to the engraving process (explain how they are different and/or similar).
Explain how a woodblock image looks different from a engraving.
Do not just list answers to the key points above. You must explain in detail the information you found in paragraph form.
You must write no less than 4 paragraphs that thoroughly explains the key points listed above, but you are encouraged to write more. A paragraph is at least 3-5 sentences.
Sentences should be complete, grammatically correct, and on topic.
Use quotes and paraphrases from sources in your writing and be sure to reference the sources.

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