Please answer the following questions related to Modules 10 readings, lecture, a

Please answer the following questions related to Modules 10 readings, lecture, and videos and write 1 paragraph for each question (4 -6 sentences). Make sure to include examples from the readings, lecture, and videos to provide enough content in the responses.
What did you find most interesting/thought-provoking/upsetting?
How does the themes from this unit connect to current events/issues?
How does the themes in this unit connect to you?
Primary Source Analysis.
Choose one for the following primary sources and make connections to the course materials. Essentially explaining how this primary source connects to the WW1 era in 4-6 sentences.
The following sources reflect the period of World War I. Both the Donald Fraser and Alan Seeger sources look at trench warfare and critique the “beauty” of fighting in this war, as newspapers and recruiters hype the importance of the war without discussing the ramifications of “shell shock” facing soldiers. In Langston Hughes poem Let America Be America Again he discusses the failed promise of the “American” dream especially for Blacks and lower classes whites and immigrants. W.E.B. DuBois’ Returning Soldiers describes the continued fight for Democracy Blacks are facing returning from the European trenches to the lynch trees of the USA. He argues that Blacks need to continue to fight for Democracy even in the face of opposition in the USA. In the letter written by Native American nurse Lutiant Van Wert, she discusses her experience on the front lines of this pandemic and her feelings towards the Boarding School officials that forced their Americanization program on her.
Option 1 Donald Fraser WWI Trench Warfare.docx
Option 2 Alan Seeger on World War I.docx
Option 3 Langston Hughes.docx
Option 4 W.E.B DuBois Returning Soldiers.docx
Option 5 Lutiant Van Wert 1918 Flu.docx

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