OVERVIEW In the Malpractice Apology Research Paper, you will apply the sources f

In the Malpractice Apology Research Paper, you will apply the sources from your Annotated
Bibliography (and others you may find subsequent to submitting the Annotated Bibliography) to
describe the current state of malpractice in healthcare, and how healthcare professionals respond
to and defend against allegations of malpractice, including the role of recognition of error and
apology in resolving malpractice claims. In this assignment, you will draw on all of the material
we’ve studied this term, including the ethics of healthcare practice, how professionals respond to
mistakes, and critical communication between patients and professionals.
Address specifically the issues raised by acknowledgement and apology in malpractice lawsuits:
 Injured patients often sue because they want an explanation of what happened, and an
apology for the injuries.
 Statements by the healthcare professional that could be perceived as admissions can
create legal liability in formal litigation.
 Some state laws, and some methods of alternative dispute resolution, may enable critical
communication and apology without incurring legal liability.
Your paper must examine these issues and explain what options you would recommend for your
facility, supported by your research and analysis. The final paper must include at least 4
scholarly sources other than the course materials and the Bible, cited in current APA format
intext and in a reference list. You must also integrate biblical worldview analysis of the topic
into the paper.
The Research Paper must contain at least 1,200 words and follow full current APA format for an
undergraduate student. The title page and reference list do not count towards the length

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