Write a 3–4-page academic paper (double spaced) following APA style and formatti

Write a 3–4-page academic paper (double spaced) following APA style and formatting. Refer to the writing resources in the MBA Program Resources in the courseroom navigation panel, especially paying attention to the MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, under Writing Skills. Note that an academic APA style paper must include sub-headings as well as complete citations and references, and is also expected to be double-spaced. Read the following and think about how Panera used critical thinking and an understanding of VUCA to solve their mosh pit problem. Pay attention to Kallet’s critical thinking framework in particular. Jargon, J. (2017, June 2). How Panera solved its “Mosh Pit” problem. The Wall Street Journal. Kallet, M. (2014). Think smarter: Critical thinking to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills. Wiley & Sons. Then, find another company with a problem they need to fix. You may use nearly any company that you can conduct research on, but do NOT choose the following: United Airlines, Chipotle, Comcast, or Walmart. If you are unsure who to use, try searching “Companies with customer service problems” online and you will get a lot of ideas, though your problem does not have to be about customer service.

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