At one point in Ugly, Alice concludes that “ugliness in a man doesn’t matter, mu

At one point in Ugly, Alice concludes that “ugliness in a man doesn’t matter, much. Ugliness in a woman is her life (17).” Working closely with the stories, write a comparative analysis that explores the validity of this claim. Consider the following: Who wields power in the stories? How do Alymer and Yardboro objectify their female counterparts? How do Georgiana and Alice respond? Why do you think they come to regard themselves as ugly? Can beauty/ugliness be internalized? What role does power play in the construction of beauty/ugliness? As you develop, remember to write for an imaginary reader who may not be familiar with the stories. Guide your reader. Create a controlling idea, or thesis, in the opening, then connect to your thesis as you develop the body. Engage closely with the stories. Look for opportunities to create connections between them. Support your response with carefully chosen quotes. Weave the quotes into the structure of your sentences with signal phrases. Length: 4-6 pages

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