implemented in a minimum of 2 paragraphs discussing how development is addresse

implemented in a minimum of 2 paragraphs discussing how development is
addressed in your plan. Provide at least 8 DRDP connections from the measuresObjectives: Compose two measurable learning objectives per content area (8
content areas x 2 = 16 objectives). Include 1 Preschool Learning Foundation for each
 Open-Ended Questions: List questions promoting extended learning. Provide 6
open-ended questions that you will use to help extend learning in this activity.
 Theoretical Alignment: Connection to established educational theories.
o Provide a 1-paragraph explanation of at least two theories that connect
to this activity. State the name of the theory, what it is about and how it
connects to your learning plan.
 Supporting Literature: Suggest 4 relevant books related to your topic.
o You need to have a fiction, non-fiction, and realistic fiction (the last book us
your choice).
o Produce a one-paragraph annotated bibliography of each selected book.
Include a description of how you are using these books in your plan.
 Accommodations: Modifications and accommodations for students.
o Provide two possible modifications for special needs students.
o Provide two possible accommodations for any student in the class.

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