Introduction. Free-write about the topic you are seeking to explore. Explain y

Introduction. Free-write about the topic you are seeking to explore. Explain your reason for taking an interest in this issue, and the impact of this phenomenon the individual and small group. What can individuals gain by understanding your research topic?

Conceptual Framework. Identify psychological theories that are relevant to your research topic). Explain the ways in which theory explains your research topic.

Literature Review. Read, and then write about 5 scholarly journals that are relevant to your research topic (see CMCC Learning Commons website), to explore:
What have academic scholars researched and written about your topic?
What theories have been presented in your area of inquiry?
Are there conflicting research articles that explore your topic?

You will build upon the writing you completed in the above sections under the relevant subheadings in your research paper. This paper should follow APA guidelines for formatting and referencing. Your final paper should be a minimum of 5 pages.
The following is the format and outline for your Research Paper:
Cover page (5 points)
Abstract (5 points)
Body of the paper
Introduction (20 points)
Background; introduce your topic
Explain the importance of your research topic (use pieces from “Introduction”, in Section 1 above).
Conceptual Framework (20 points)
Discuss relevant theory / paradigms (pull from Section 2 above)
Literature Review (20 points)
Summarize five scholarly sources that are relevant to your research (from Section 3 above). Explain how each article informs your own research.
Conclusion (20 points)
Summarize what you learned by writing this paper.
Explain ways your research topic could inform public policy, and/or bring about positive social change.
Reference page (10 points)
A minimum of 5 scholarly sources referenced in APA format
Make sure each source used is referenced within the body of the paper via “in-text” citation (points will be deducted for missing citations!)

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