Instructions Rewrite the Theoretical Framework section make sure information is

Rewrite the Theoretical Framework section make sure information is clear and specifically discusses and justifies how and why the theory is directly related to the research study topic itself (which should follow the paragraphs about the theory′s major principles).
Correct the Related Literature below be sure to include intext citations. Keep in mind, information about the theory should focus specifically on discussing the literature/research related to the research topic. (Exploring the impact of classroom management on students’ academic performance) What does the research have to say? What the major themes and subthemes that you’re seeing in the literature? In the Meeting student basic needs section… define “basic needs”. Typically, these might be food shelter, and water, particularly in relation to the theory.
Correct the overview below be sure to include the focus will be K-12 education, you will want to adjust the topic so that it doesn’t focus on students and student performance. Consider changing the focus to teachers, administrators, or adult students. Name Abraham Maslow’ Humanist Theory of Education that you have chosen is [are] discussed in the first section, followed by a review of recent literature on [identify some of the main themes that will be your Level 2 APA headings in the related literature section]. Lastly, the literature surrounding [ include the remainder of the level 2 APA headings that will be the main themes that will be discussed in the related literature section]. Finally, a gap in the literature is identified regarding the need for more research concerning [identify the gap in the literature that your research will address].
Be sure to address the following questions as you re-write this paper
1. What specific phenomenon are you interested in researching? To narrow down the topic, I would focus specifically on examining the impact of positive discipline strategies on classroom management and student academic performance within the context of inclusive education settings.
2. How, practically speaking, would you carry out this study? Positive discipline strategies, rooted in the work of Rudolf Dreikurs. (While positive discipline approaches have gained attention in recent years, their effectiveness in promoting inclusive practices and enhancing student outcomes in diverse classrooms remains understudied.)
3. Who would be your participants? Admin and teachers
4. What methodology and design would you use? Quantitative data
5. How would you collect data? Using surveys

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