Forest farming is most often used on private lands to supplement family income.

Forest farming is most often used on private lands to supplement family income. Because of the demand and high value of some of these plants they can no longer be found in many places within their historic native range. Wild harvesting of these plants is not allowed on public land in many areas, making forest farming an important option for meeting demand for these plants. Even if the plants of interest are not present in a woodland, the careful inspection of the understory woodland plants may identify other non-economic plants that are often found with these more desirable NTFPs. If so, this may indicate a good location to reintroduce and grow the desired NTFP. Additional benefits of this intensified production is the regular attention in the woods may help to spot and control invasive plants and pests as well as the reduced harvest pressure on wild plant populations that allows them to be reestablished in other woodlands in the region.

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