Based on your readings in the course, so far, create a video* to address the fol

Based on your readings in the course, so far, create a video* to address the following questions:
What are some common causes of conflicts in a college setting? (Give examples as defined in your text.)
Do you think it is destructive or productive? In what way?
Which type of Interpersonal Conflict (Affective, Conflict of Interest, Value Conflict, Cognitive Conflict, Goal Conflict) have you either personally been involved with, or witnessed with someone else in college (fellow classmate, professor, administrator? Please define and explain which type and why you believe it fits that category.)
Was the conflict resolved? If so, what. strategy was used?
Which strategy do you believe is most often used – and which do you believe is most effective – in managing or resolving conflicts in the college setting?
You MUST reference information from your text to support your comments.
* The video should be between 1 and 3 minutes in duration, and should be clear, concise, and of good quality (voice, lighting, clarity). Appropriate business or business casual attire is required for all assignment videos submitted — no pajamas, t-shirts, sleep caps, hoodies, etc.

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