ONLY CHOOSE A TOPIC FROM ONE OF THESE CHAPTERS IN THE BOOK Course material from the textbook: Textbook Readings Week #1 Introduction to I/O Psychology Chapter 1 Week #2 Job Analysis and Evaluation Chapter 2 Week #3 Legal Issues in Employee Selection Chapter 3 Week #4 Employee Selection: Recruiting and Interviewing Chapter 4 Week #5 Evaluating Employee Performance Chapter 7 Week #6 Employee Motivation Chapter 9 Week #7 Leadership Chapter 12 Week #8 Stress Management Chapter 15 This required Reflective Paper gives students an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge obtained in class and relate that knowledge to a scenario, situation, or event that pertains to specific material and theories learned in class. The following webpage from the University of South Carolina also provides valuable information about the benefits but also the pitfalls of writing a reflective paper: Your reflective paper will have 3 major sections: introduction, the body, and conclusion. Introduction: In the introduction paragraph, you will introduce the reader to your topic by providing a brief overview of the topic and writing your thesis statement. In this paragraph, also include the following: The specific theory that you are going to talk about (do not just cite the author of the textbook, cite the specific theory and author of the theory instead) The page number(s) where the theory is discussed in the textbook. Body: the body of the paper will contain the “bulk: of your paper. Here you will engage the reader in your “reflection” about the topic. Please include: A thorough explanation of your topic and how the theory that you chose relates to the scenario, situation, or event that you chose to discuss in your paper. Remember, think D.I.E.P.! Conclusion: in the conclusion section you will briefly re-visit and “wrap-up” the main themes/ideas presented in your paper, so the reader will understand what your intent was when you wrote about your topic. The conclusion section is basically a summary of the narrative within your paper. Expected APA style format guidelines: use Times New Roman, font size 12 pt.; double-spaced; 1-inch margins (top, bottom, right, left); The paper must include: a cover page, followed by the 3 major sections of the paper itself. If you cite any external sources in the paper (sources that do not come from the textbook), then you will need to include the References page. Length: minimum of 250 words and no more than 400 words (not counting the cover page and the References page) If your paper include external references, use only scholarly references (no blogs, websites, etc.). To learn about APA style citations, please visit APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition) A link to an APA formatted paper can be found HERE. Spell-check and proof-read your paper. Other important considerations: Students may run their topics by the instructor. However, be sure to sufficiently narrow down your topic. You may achieve that by asking yourself: How does the theory I am going to discuss relate to my chosen scenario, situation, or event? What is my goal in addressing this theory in relation to my chosen scenario? What makes my scenario particularly important? Cite your external sources (as in-text citations and in the references page). External sources are any sources that do not appear in the textbook itself. Do not include any identifiable information in your paper such as other people’s names, names of businesses, managers, employees, etc. While you can use first-person in your paper, avoid sharing personal details (names, places, addresses, etc.), as faculty must report suspected cases of abuse or neglect to higher authorities.

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