For this activity, you will review the pages in the American Courts text that in

For this activity, you will review the pages in the American Courts text that introduce the distinctions between liberal and conservative positions on some common judicial issues. Then you will explore your own views and respond to the questions posed in your post.
Begin by reviewing pp. 12-15, including Exhibit 1.3 in the text. Then, go to the Pew Research Center’s political typology test at Political Typology Quiz (Pew Research Center)Links to an external site. and take the typology test online and read your result.
You are now ready for your initial post, which should respond to the following bullets in at least two paragraphs:
Explain the results of the online typology test you took and whether you think it accurately categorized you.
Determine whether the typology test results correspond with how you might categorize yourself on the issues outlined in Exhibit 1.3 on p. 14 of the text.
Put yourself in the shoes of a judge and explain how the conservative or liberal ideology of a judge may influence the outcome of a case before him/her.

Posted in Law

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