This is an exercise in writing progress reports. Review any guidelines or reading material on business and term project progress reports.
Instructions: When composing your report, refer to the illustrations in the textbook.
Follow the exact formatting and spacing requirements for the progress reports.
Arrange your content according to these illustrations.
Use the Toulmin illustrations as your guide for placement of Toulmin elements. They must be present.
You may create your own content depending on your situation. Your document should be formatted exactly like the illustrations. It must be a minimum of two pages, which does not guarantee an excellent score. Note, the illustration is not to scale. It appears 1 and ½ pages, this is not correct.
Writing Prompts: Choose one of the following options.
Option 1: Term Progress Report
For this or another class, write a progress report to your instructor, describing the progress you have made on a regular project or term project [for instance, your final proposal assignment for this class]. Compose your report as a separate word doc., or rich.txt file, name your file:
Option 2: Business Progress Report
You are a team leader on the job. Write a progress report for your supervisor describing the progress you have made on a particular project. This project may be a way to improve a process, or a plan to solve a problem. Compose your report as a separate word doc., or rich.txt file, name your file:
Format Requirements:
Typeface: Ariel
Font Size: 12 point
Margins: 1” top/bottom; left, right, 1.25”
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