Questions: How does the nervous system and muscular system communicate with one

Questions: How does the nervous system and muscular system communicate with one another to coordinate movement? General details of the physiology of each system are required for this response.
How do hormones respond to acute and chronic exercise? How does an exercise-induced change in hormones affect the utilization of substrates (i.e. glucose, free fatty acid, amino acids) for energy? Does intensity and duration of exercise have an effect on hormone regulation? Explain. Describe what happens with the cardiorespiratory system as your student transitions from a resting state into prolonged exercise, then back to rest. How does the nervous system regulate this transition (think autonomic nervous system). How would the cardiorespiratory response be different if your student was exercising in a hot and humid environment?
How may the physiological response (e.g., endocrine, nervous, cardiorespiratory etc.) to exercise differs for your younger, less experienced students as compared to your older, more experienced High School athletes? What can you do as a teacher to help mediagate those differences? Brian Delacruz (question 3 and conclusion)
Aidan Anderson (question 1-4)
Corrine Rodriguez (question 2)
I attempted a first draft and she corrected what she wants. I placed the list of corrections in the Attachments.

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