Background: Unlike virtual reality, which is a computer-generated universe, augm

Background: Unlike virtual reality, which is a computer-generated universe, augmented reality enhances the real world. Using the camera on a smartphone or tablet, augmented reality systems can overlay additional information on top of what the camera is capturing. This might include directions for navigation or instructions for use. An augmented reality system could also add virtual objects into the scene on the camera. An augmented reality system might help your customers, distributors, shippers, suppliers, or product repairers, or it might be used inside your company by employees for certain tasks, such as redesigning a product or facility.
Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to propose a new use of information technology to create and/or maintain a competitive advantage. Develop a proposal to implement an augmented reality system for the company you chose in Week 1. Research whether that company has or is implementing an augmented reality system and propose something new and different.
The paper is a research-driven, executive summary and, as a minimum, must contain:
A title page
Three to five pages of text-based content with in-text citations for sources used in your paper.
At least one paragraph for each highlighted item below. (A paragraph in academic writing normally has at least three sentences: beginning, middle, and end.)
One or more reference pages in APA format. (Only sources cited in the paper should appear on the reference page.)
Please address all the items below in your proposal. Although estimated costs would typically be included in a proposal of this type, that is not required for this assignment because many factors can affect the cost.
Business Goals – Based on the generic business strategy from Week 1 for your company, identify the specific business goals for the new augmented reality system you are proposing. Describe how your proposed augmented reality system supports your generic business strategy.
Scope of the Project – Describe in detail what the augmented reality system will and will not do. Research whether any competitors are doing something similar. If you find a similar use of augmented reality, include a citation and reference for the source of the information and explain how the scope of your proposed system will be similar or different. Also, research the number of locations for your company and include a citation and reference for the source of that data. If your company has locations in multiple countries, identify the number of countries and cite your sources. Implementation Approach – Given the number of locations for your company, specify whether the system will be implemented all at once or piloted in a few locations or in a specific region. If your business is large, decide if the system will be rolled out first for certain product lines or types of users. Recommend whether some features be implemented first and others installed later.
Project Time Frame – Research how long an augmented reality project may take and cite your sources. Based on your implementation approach and your research regarding similar projects, estimate how long your proposed project will take.
Implementation Resources – Determine if company resources or outside groups will be required to implement the system. If training is needed, specify who will do that. Expected Benefits – Specify the benefits you expect, such as increased sales, improved product quality, higher customer satisfaction, reduced costs, faster innovation. Describe how the system is expected to deliver those benefits. Estimate the time frame for achieving those results. Determine how this system will create or maintain a competitive advantage for your company.
Communication Plan – Describe the groups in the business who need to be informed about the progress of the project. Determine how each group will receive updates, e.g., weekly meetings, newsletters, emails, webinars, project website.
Risk Analysis – Analyze what could go wrong with the system. Describe how you will avoid or minimize those risks.
Operational Policies – Identify the terms of service for use of the system once it is implemented. Determine who can access any data collected. Specify how the information in the system will be secured to protect confidentiality.
Critical Success Factors – Determine the criteria you will use to judge the success or failure of this system. Discuss how the critical success factors are tied to the business strategy and business goals.

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