Task 1 Design and develop lesson plans that incorporate the domains of developme

Task 1
Design and develop lesson plans that incorporate the domains of development
Physical Development
Language and Literacy
The following must be created:
1. Two lesson plans for children from zero to 24 months
2. Two lesson plans for children from 2 to 3 years old
3. Two lesson plans for children aged 3 to 4 years
For each lesson plan the following must be included:
Include a detailed description of goals and objectives
Instructional strategies for diverse children, different nationalities and cultures
Additionally, provide accommodations and modifications for children with special needs (autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome) or just a general accommodation for any disability
Explain the process of creating each curricular network and how they align with Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP).
Materials and resources used
They must include at least one standard (Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards) per lesson in each lesson:
1. In the physical area
2. In the cognitive area
3. In the area of language
They must include an evaluation method for different age groups.
Use APA 7th edition format and cite at least 5 academic sources.

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