Watch the following video and respond to the questions: Describe machismo cultur

Watch the following video and respond to the questions:
Describe machismo culture and evaluate why it is harmful.
Explain how we distinguish between sanctioned cultural practices and those that are universally wrong though they are accepted in some cultures.
Can you see a possible solution for harmful cultural practices?
Discussion Requirements:
Original Discussion Post – Due Saturday before the assigned Canvas Discussion due date
Fully respond to the questions being asked. Demonstrate content knowledge from our course textbook. Refrain from oversharing. Fully spell out all words (it is, does not, etc.). You must have a minimum of 160 words. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will affect your grade, so be sure to proof your work before submitting it.
You must have an in-text citation from our course textbook to support what you are saying. You will need a reference for your in-text citation. Any information taken from a source (other than your classmate or professor) must include an in-text citation and reference to avoid plagiarism. Not including a properly formatted in-text citation and reference will affect your grade. Discussion Replies – Due by the assigned Canvas Discussion due date
Demonstrate content knowledge from our course textbook. Refrain from oversharing.
You must reply to two different students. You cannot reuse your reply or in-text citation to respond to another student.
Fully spell out all words (it is, does not, etc.). You must have a minimum of 60 words. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will affect your grade, so be sure to proof your work before submitting it.
You must have an in-text citation in each reply from our course textbook to support what you are saying. You will need a reference in each reply for your in-text citation. Any information taken from a source (other than your classmate or professor) must include an in-text citation and reference to avoid plagiarism. Not including a properly formatted in-text citation and reference will affect your grade.

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