Tissues 1. Some argue simple scratches and minor cuts heal fine on their own wit

1. Some argue simple scratches and minor cuts heal fine on their own without need for antibiotics. Do you agree, or should we treat all open wounds to prevent infections?
2. Many think collagen supplements can improve skin, joints, and even the aging process! Is this backed by science or just hype?
3. Cardiovascular exercise is healthy, but say some lifting weights and resistance training is unnecessary or vain. What is your perspective? Are resistance-based exercises worthwhile?
4. Blood transfusions save lives, but some religious faiths prohibit them.
a. Put yourself in the perspective of a patient. Would religious objections impact your choice?
b. Now, put yourself in the perspective of an integral part of the healthcare team. How would you approach your patient’s care?
5. Some argue flu shots and other common vaccines do more harm than good. What is your perspective – are vaccines safe and beneficial or not?
● The initial post should be around 200–250 words and answer all Discussion Board topics
● Include at least two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and advance
the discussion, each should be at least 50 words, go beyond mere affirmation, and serve
to further conversation
● Academic/authoritative sources of information are utilized to support ideas as needed.
● Include In-text citations and references following APA style where applicable
● Spell check all work, use correct grammar, punctuation,
● Avoid plagiarism and work with the Writing Center as needed.
● Work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics, as well as
being original and insightful.
Use this reference when referring to your text: Saladin, K. (2024). Anatomy and Physiology:
The Unity of Form and Function (10th ed.). McGraw Hill.

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