Read one of the following chapters from Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old

Read one of the following chapters from Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes: chapter 1 (Abraham), chapter 2 (Jacob), or chapter 3 (Joseph). Write a thread that describes how you identify with the hero by highlighting the parallels between the hero’s life, circumstances, and relationship with God and your life, circumstances, and relationship with God. Reflect on the way the hero’s life illustrates possible solutions to your own circumstances or describe how the hero’s example may enhance your faith and relationship with God (or others). You may use the questions in the “Ask Yourself” section at the end of each chapter as they may assist you in developing your thoughts for your thread. Include a reference or quotation from the chapter along with proper documentation according to APA, MLA, or Turabian formatting guidelines (your choice).

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