Week 4 Phase 2 Paper Research Paper Rubric Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 4) Stud

Week 4 Phase 2 Paper
Research Paper Rubric Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 4) Students will continue their research topic, in this paper students will perform a brief literature review on the topic (Will need at least 5 support articles) and provide the desired methodology for the project. Paper will be approximately 5-6 pages. Use the following as subheadings for your paper.
1. Brief literature review
2. Methodology and design of the study (Be detailed )
3. Sampling methodology
4. Necessary tools
5. Any algorithms or flow maps created.
This will be considered a Library Assignment as you will need to visit the library to obtain information
Chapter 8: Sampling and Chapter 9: Reliability
Library Assignment is required. Library Assignment: This phase of your project will require everyone to visit the University Library or online to obtain information related to their project. Phase 2 is Due Sunday @ 2359 (Worth 10 points) You will need to refer to your research paper rubric for the best possible outcomes for this assignment. You will find this rubric located within your course syllabus under Phase 2.Class you will be asked to continue your research that you have already started. In this paper you are going to conduct a brief literature review on your topic. Please note that everyone will need to have at least five supporting articles related to their chosen topic (3 are peer-review journal articles) and will provide the desired methodology for their project. Your paper will be at least five to six pages (strict adherence to APA guidelines is required). Additionally, class, I will be looking for the quality of your writing, not the quantity. Your writings should be concise, factual and disseminates information.We will commence as follows:Brief literature review
Methodology and design of the study (Please be detailed-oriented as possible, your methodology should be written as a recipe. Meaning anyone can reproduce your research after reading it).
Sampling Methodology: Qualitative or Quantitative or Mixed method for example
Necessary tools that will be incorporated into your paper- will you be using any surveys? or questioners?
Any algorithms or flow maps that you may create (illustrations)
*** Please submit this assignment through Safe Assign.Please look for the UPLOAD tabs to submit your assignments.
Research Paper Rubric Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 4) Students will continue their research topic, in this paper students will perform a brief literature review on the topic (Will need at least 5 support articles) and provide the desired methodology for the project. Paper will be approximately 5-6 pages. Use the following as subheadings for your paper.1. Brief literature review2. Methodology and design of the study (Be detailed )3. Sampling methodology4. Necessary tools5. Any algorithms or flow maps created.This will be considered a Library Assignment as you will need to visit the library to obtain information. Week 4 Validity & Trustworthiness of Qualitative ResearchWeek 4 Validity & Trustworthiness of Qualitative ResearchTextbooks:Ruth M. Tappen. (2015). Nursing Research. Advanced Nursing Research: From Theory to Practice. (2nd ed.). ISBN-13: 9781284048308. ISBN-10: 1284048306. Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.). 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5
WEEK 7Chapter 10: Validity & Chapter 11: Trustworthiness of qualitative researchRead Chapter 10 & 11Discussion # 4Due Saturday night at 2359Hello Everyone,Welcome to week 4. Thank you for the submissions of your assignments. Please note any comments on your papers. Some comments were mainly for guidance. Continue to refer to your APA 7th edition manual. Understand if you plan to seek higher education (DNP, Ph.D. or Ed.D. studies) or perhaps begin to publish, editors and future professors will have stringent guidelines for research practice.Research is one of those necessary requirements for advanced practice nursing, regardless of the specialty or friend you are entering, you will encounter and be required to conduct or participate in research initiatives. Text reading for this week will require a review of Validity and Trustworthiness of Qualitative research. Let us think what the two topics are.***If you have not heard it before, I will say it now. There is an old saying which states, “All research is flawed.” There is an element of truth to that saying as research is conducted by humans, and we are subject to error. That is it is important to have checks and balances to ensure the best possible outcomes in our research trajectory.Research Validity (Is it true to the intended purpose?)A summarization of chapter 10 reveals the following:Progress has been gained from the initial concept of a “useless face validity” extending to examining the sensitivity and specificity of screening an diagnostic measures, When one selects a measure in their research endeavors, make certain that the validity has been thoroughly evaluated (Tappen, 2015).Article:A Primer on the Validity of Assessment Instrumentshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3184912/Link: How sound is your research? A main premise of validity.http://linguistics.byu.edu/faculty/henrichsen/ResearchMethods/RM_2_18.htmlVideo: Types of Validityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd7GTlQ7SXsTrustworthiness of Qualitative Research (The quality of your qualitative research is essential to what it is for both qualitative and quantitative research studies.)A summary of chapter 11 states the following:One can envision difficulty imagining a nurse scholar or advanced practice nurse mitigating the importance of quality in research as not being significant. The principle investigator or researcher may select principles, criteria or strategies based on the decision or the extent of which scientific adequacy, systematicity, trustworthiness, transparency, or qualities of the researcher, theoretical consistency, aesthesis, literary qualities, and stimulation of social action are desire. This judgment should be based upon the purpose of the study, its philosophical roots, and the approach utilized (Tappen, 2015).Article: Trustworthiness of Research (Start with section 2, Quantitative Research)https://www.munich-business-school.de/insights/en/2017/trustworthiness-of-research/Link: Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research projectshttps://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/cbe6/70d35e449ceed731466c316cd273032b28ca.pdfVideo: Trustworthiness and Validity in Qualitative Research Designhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXB-22GVbUAVideo: The quality of qualitative researchhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJSnSLCVsP0***Discussion topic for Week 4 (Worth 1 point)Based on your readings, please answer the following discussion question.What are the perceived challenges do you expect to find with validity and trustworthiness in qualitative research? What steps will you implement to ensure that your research is reliable?Remember: 3 posts are required, one original post and responses to two other colleagues. Your responses much adhere to APA 7th edition guidelines. Resources must support your statements. I am looking forward to some intriguing discussions. Please visit the Writing lab- they are a great resource.
Sampling and ReliabilityWeek 4 – Module Topic inclusive of Sampling and ReliabilityOne valuable component of research includes data collection and the validity of your research information. Research is a serious initiative, think about what if your data, methodology or eventual outcome methods are not quite up to standard. Your sample sizes were not correct; your information was affected; you could disseminate the wrong information, thus affecting populations at large. We have an ethical responsibility to do the right thing for our perspective communities as well as our healthcare professionals. For those who choose to continue their studies at the doctoral level, research, it is methodology, its application to practice (for DNP candidates) and the generation of new knowledge (for Ph.D. candidates), will quickly discover the importance of mastering these skills or having access to available resources.Chapter 8: SamplingLet us explore the various types of sampling that will be involved in this module. Sampling is the process of selecting units (e.g., people, organizations) from a population of interest so that by studying the sample, we may somewhat generalize our results back to the population from which they were chosen. Please review chapter 8 in your Tappen class text.Video: Sampling… What is sampling?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs-gLeYuDZwArticle: Sampling in Researchhttp://www.indiana.edu/~educy520/sec5982/week_2/mugo02sampling.pdfSo how does one begin?Population identification
Obtain a sampling frame
Look at a sampling frame specify (this can be done randomly or non-randomly)
Determine the sample size
Methods of sampling from a populationSimple random sampling. In this case, everyone is chosen entirely by chance, and each member of the population has an equal chance, or probability, of being selected. Please become familiar with the following concepts.Systematic sampling.
Stratified sampling.
Clustered sampling.
Convenience sampling.
Quota sampling.
Judgment (or Purposive) Sampling.
Snowball sampling.
Chapter 9: ReliabilityClass, when it comes to reliability and validity, these concepts are associated with the highest quality of measurement in your research endeavors. Chapter 9 has an emphasis on reliability, although there is mention of validity, much of this content is associated with your reading assignment in Chapter 10. However, since there is an overlap in these concepts, you will hear mention regarding the topic. I hope not to confuse anyone.Please note that reliability is one of the most important qualities of a research tool. Think of reliability as an instrument of measure that determines the degree of consistency with which it measures the attribute for what it is supposed to measure. If a measuring tool is accurate, it is said to be reliable.Estimation of reliability:Stability – it is the extent to which the same results are obtained repeatedly during testing.
Test/Re-test method (p. 145).
Equivalence – shows the consistency of performance on different forms of the test; it is based on the correlation between performance on the different forms administered at the same time.
Inter rater method – this is estimated by having two or more trained observers watching the same event simultaneously and independently, then recording the relevant variable.
Intra rater method – scores are assessed by two tools by a single researcher, then the method is called the intra-rater method of calculating reliability.
Internal consistency – this shows the consistency of performance on the different pasts of items of the test taken at ta single setting.
Pilot study – it is the entire operation in a miniature version. It is a careful empirical checking of all phases of the study from the collection of data to their tabulation and analysis.
Summary Points:Psychological researchers do not simply assume that their measures work. Instead, they conduct research to show that they work. If they cannot show that they work, they stop using them. You will see this while exploring the methodology section of your research.
There are two distinct criteria by which researchers evaluate their measures: reliability and validity. Reliability is consistency across time (test-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across researchers (interrater reliability). Validity is the extent to which the scores represent the variable they are intended to.
Validity is a judgment based on various types of evidence. The relevant evidence includes the measure’s reliability, whether it covers the construct of interest, and whether the scores it produces are correlated with other variables they are expected to be correlated with and not correlated with variables that are conceptually distinct.
The reliability and validity of a measure are not established by any single study but by the pattern of results across multiple studies. The assessment of reliability and validity is an ongoing process.
ReferencePetty, R. E, Briñol, P., Loersch, C., & McCaslin, M. J. (2009). The need for cognition. In M. R. Leary & R. H. Hoyle (Eds.), Handbook of individual differences in social behaviour (pp. 318–329). New York, NY: Guilford PressFor additional clarification and supplemental resources, please access the following:Video: Understanding Measurement Validityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkjjZtFV9ZEVideo: Reliability and Validity of Measurementhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTHWQOuEfiMArticle: Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Researchhttps://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol8/iss4/6/

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