First watch the film Tough Guise 2, then respond to any or all of the following

First watch the film Tough Guise 2, then respond to any or all of the following discussion questions in a well-formatted, multi-paragraph post of 300 words or more
Discussion Questions
Does Katz’s observation that men and boys are responsible for the vast majority of violence in America imply that most men and boys are violent Why or why not? Explain.
How does homophobia function in all of this? What about sexism? Do you see a common thread between how homophobia and sexism work to keep young men in line with cultural norms of manhood?
Do you think Katz’s point is that boys and men are exposed to violence in media and then simply imitate it? Or is he saying something else here? Explain.
What does the culture teach young men and boys about what it means, and what it takes, to be a real man? And what does it teach them about what it means when you don’t live up to this ideal?
While Katz is talking about masculinity, race, and ethnicity, he also seems to be talking about class. What’s he saying about how class and economic status can factor into men’s identity and violence?
When you think about young boys being exposed to these accelerating levels of violence – whether it’s in movies, video games, or porn – what kinds of messages about manhood do you think they’re absorbing? What kinds of messages about women? About femininity?
What are some of the reasons that have been given for why men in America are experiencing a “crisis in masculinity”? Do you agree with these assessments?
What’s the link Katz draws between extremist political movements and manhood?
If men and boys are so often the victims of male violence, why do you think so many people call it male bashing to call attention to men’s violence?

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