Classmate Response First Theme: Enchasing Talent Instructions: Additionally, res

Classmate Response
First Theme: Enchasing Talent
Instructions: Additionally, respond to at least one other classmate’s post to further the discussion. Provide research support for your arguments, citing at least one external source to enhance the depth of your analysis and engagement with the topic.
First Post:
The GEM Model’s high stakes and dynamic environment can improve public health and healthcare talent management. Leaders must first explain company goals. Harmonizing goals is important since public and healthcare missions focus on population health or patient care (Westerman et al., 2021). Company leaders can help employees set career objectives that support the mission. A leader may inspire ownership and alignment.
Public health and healthcare administrators must understand the fast-paced, high-pressure atmosphere to encourage involvement and performance. Collaboration and innovation help people share ideas and solve problems (Van Diggele et al., 2020). Support professional growth and training to give employees the skills to succeed and adapt. Regular feedback and recognition can boost staff engagement and organizational goals by rewarding positive actions and success.
Multidisciplinary public health and healthcare teams take a lot of work to manage and motivate. To foster cooperation, leaders must recognize and use team members’ abilities. Encouraging departmental and disciplinary collaboration, flexible work arrangements and cross-functional initiatives can motivate staff. Trust, a healthy workplace, and employee motivation depend on communication and transparency. Innovative public health and healthcare team leaders must acknowledge others’ skills and facilitate cooperation (Van Diggele et al., 2020). Leaders promote cross-departmental collaboration, creativity, and synergy to boost performance. Autonomy and work-life balance from remote work and flexible scheduling motivate and satisfy employees. Leadership may break silos and support cross-functional projects for accountability and success. Open communication and straightforward decision-making allow team members to discuss difficulties, building trust and a healthy workplace. By prioritizing these themes, leaders may develop multidisciplinary teams and promote the organization’s mission in complex public health and healthcare.
Generally, the GEM Model’s complete framework tackles public health and healthcare organizations’ unique difficulties and opportunities. Leaders can create a culture of excellence and improve performance in these crucial sectors by creating clear goals and expectations, improving engagement and execution, and managing and motivating employees. Public health and healthcare organizations can benefit communities with talent management and leadership development.
Second Post:
In public health and healthcare organizations, implementing the GEM Model of Talent Management can significantly contribute to addressing the unique challenges and opportunities present in these sectors. Firstly, setting clear goals and expectations is paramount for success. Leaders can ensure alignment between individual and organizational objectives by communicating goals that resonate with employees’ intrinsic motivations and connect to the broader mission of improving public health outcomes. Research by Locke and Latham (2019) emphasizes the importance of specific and challenging goals in driving performance, suggesting that leaders should establish measurable targets that stretch employees while providing the necessary support for achievement.
Additionally, enhancing employee engagement and execution requires strategies tailored to the fast-paced and high-pressure environment of public health and healthcare. This could involve fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration, providing opportunities for skill development and career advancement, and recognizing and rewarding achievements promptly. A study by Munn-Giddings et al. (2020) underscores the significance of supportive leadership and participatory decision-making in promoting engagement and job satisfaction among healthcare professionals.
Furthermore, effective management and motivation of multidisciplinary teams within public health and healthcare necessitate a nuanced approach. Leaders should employ a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, such as autonomy, recognition, and career growth opportunities, to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of team members. Drawing from self-determination theory, Ryan and Deci (2017) advocate for fostering a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the workplace to promote intrinsic motivation and well-being among employees.

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