Write a white paper use inspiration of a lawyer for the topic of the white paper

Write a white paper use inspiration of a lawyer for the topic of the white paper. Look at all links and read all information. Use a white paper template. Make sure to use a minimum of 6 sources and the whole paper needs to be in APA style.

Problem Statement: What It Is, How to Write + Examples

White Paper Assignment Prompt Note: Remember that your “due date” will be the conference you choose the week of 3/18-3/21! Context
One of the challenges of developing credibility within an industry is showing that you have reliable, trustworthy expertise. For a lot of individuals and businesses, this is a problem that a white paper can solve!
A white paper is a deeply researched document that addresses a problem within an industry, substantiates the problem’s significance, and then offers a well-researched solution. The goal is to not only introduce a solution that may urge others to follow your lead, but also to show your own credibility and expertise. This is not so that a person or company can advertise (though the positive effects of demonstrating expertise may lead to that!). For more information, see the Writing a White PaperLinks to an external site. resource.
Purpose/Project Sequence
Your job on this project is to identify a problem in an industry that matters to you, to consider a unique solution, and then to write a thoroughly researched white paper on the matter. You will incorporate elements of academic writing (such as finding sources, citing and referencing them), business writing (such as breaking paragraphs more frequently, writing concisely, using images and graphs), and general writing (showing strong revision, maintaining flow from one idea to the next). Your final product should show that you are a trusted person in your field.
The first step is to narrow down what you want to write about. Consider:
Your major or industry of primary interest;
A specific problem for which you believe you have a creative solution;
The type of research you’ll have to find in order to support your stance.
You will be evaluated on a number of factors, including:
Using at least 6 outside sources, properly cited and referenced in APA Style
Incorporating at least 1 image per page, including visuals on title page but excluding your references page
Writing between 1,200 and 1,600 words (about 4-6 pages) that includes an Introduction, Background, Proposed Solution, and Conclusion
College writing norms and expectations for the genre, including adequate paragraphs, proper word choice, and appropriate flow between ideas
Clear audience awareness, writing to a group that is outside your industry but interested in the information
Project Submission
You will submit your finished white paper in two ways:
live in my office, as a hard copy
as a digital submission on Canvas
Evaluation Criterion
Audience Awareness & Rhetorical Purpose: Audience and Purpose are clearly considered throughout entire text
Genre Norms: Text clearly shows signs of white paper genre, from formatting to use of images
Organization, Flow, Cohesion, & Unity of Piece: Ideas develop clearly from one to the next, building in a logical way and not feeling “random,” as writer uses transitions effectively
Quality of Reasoning and Sources (including Min. Requirements): Sources have been well chosen and successfully integrate to support writer’s ideas
Mechanics, Style, & Grammar: Writer limits mistakes, writing in an appropriate tone and register for the task, and maintains concise writing expectations
Problem Statement Information
A problem statement is basically what it sounds like: a statement identifying a problem. Often combined with a proposed solution, your white paper assignment requires that you articulate both in separate places.
The resource below is an excellent resource for penning both a problem statement and a proposed solution. However, I want to clarify one thing:
Here’s where your assignment differs:
Problem Statement: This should appear at the end of your introduction. You can even introduce it with the header “Problem Statement,” if you want full clarity. Do not include your solution immediately after.
Proposed Solution: Place the solution itself as the first sentence in your “Proposed Solution” section.
Look at the examples on the next page and write your problem statement & proposed solution in line with the advice. However, be sure to separate the two sentences into the appropriate sections.

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