Based on examples from one of the recommended articles selected by you, the lect

Based on examples from one of the recommended articles selected by you, the lecture notes, the text, and other sources, discuss one or several of the themes: decision making process as a step-by-step analytical approach, types of decision-making environments, decision tree analysis. With the help of one or several of the recommended tutorials and decision methods covered in Lectures 5 and 6, discuss your experience and plans for applying analytical methods in your Assignment 2 or in your current (or targeted) profession.
Lectures 5 & 6 (select and review ONE of the following articles):
1. Stress-Test Your Strategy: The 7 Questions to Ask, Simons, R., HBR Special Issue Spring 2023
2. Critical Thinking is About Asking Better Questions, Coleman, J., HBR Special Issue Spring 2023
3. The Ethics of Managing People’s Data, Segalla, M. et al., HBR July-August 2023 4. The Best Strategic Leaders Balance Agility and Consistency, Coleman, J., HBR Special Issue Spring 2023

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