II. Instructions: 1. Read Erica Armstrong Dunbar’s Never Caught: The Washington’

II. Instructions: 1. Read Erica Armstrong Dunbar’s Never Caught: The Washington’s Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge (New York: Simon & Shuster, 2017) in Course Reserves. Read all chapters. 2. Write a 50 to 100-word answer to each question below. Write in complete sentences. Your answer must exhibit polish (correct spelling and grammar) and at least one direct citation or paraphrase from this week’s reading. III. Questions: 1. Examine Ona’s experiences after reaching New Hampshire. Discuss the changes in Ona’s life and the new challenges she faced. How does Ona’s story contribute to our understanding of the broader experiences of runaway slaves? 2. Is there any aspect of the book you want us to discuss? Make your own question and pause it for the class.

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