Do something that you think is altruistic. It could be a small and routine act,

Do something that you think is altruistic. It could be a small and routine act, for example, taking out someone else’s garbage, doing your roommate’s dishes, or helping an elderly person carry her bag. In the essay, describe the action and the circumstances surrounding it in detail. Explain why you chose to take this action and why you think this action was altruistic. Describe the impact of your action on you and the others involved in this situation. Conduct a utilitarian analysis of the two alternative choices: (a) taking this action versus (b) not taking this action.
Provides detailed descriptions of the student’s action and the full circumstances under which it took place using specific facts and information. Accurately identifies all steps of the utilitarian analysis and correctly incorporates any relevant concepts of utilitarianism. Thoughtfully analyzes and evaluates the application of utilitarianism to the student’s specific situation as described in the essay.
Demonstrates critical thinking skills and logical reasoning supported by well-organized evidence that matches the student’s argument. Demonstrates good composition skills with effective organization and coherent logic following the formatting requirements, without spelling or punctuation errors.

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