Strategic Planning Process In this module, you will explore the relationship bet

Strategic Planning Process
In this module, you will explore the relationship between strategic planning and the components of the organization’s internal and external environments. You will learn that strategic planning involves the organization’s present and future and also that it provides a guide for organizational activities. In order to analyze a strategic plan, you will need to examine the components of the internal and external environments. You will also explore the importance of developing an organization’s mission and vision statements, and then you will learn how both are utilized to develop the strategic plan and goals.
Discussion Question
Question Requirements:
For this discussion forum, consider a circumstance where poor employee performance was observed in the workplace (or you are familiar, via research, where this occurred in an organization). An example could be the poor performance of a co-worker, excessive absenteeism in the workplace, or disrespect exhibited between/among employees.. Briefly discuss the situation you experienced above and present 2 strategies a manager should use to address the poor performance of the employee.
Discuss how you would specifically evaluate the success and/or failure of these recommendations. What tools or models to determine the success/failure of these strategies.
Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources. Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.
Learning Outcomes
Evaluate the key elements of internal and external environments affecting strategic planning.
Analyze the components of the strategic planning process in the development of the mission, vision, and the strategic plan and goals.
Chapter 3 in Performance Management: Performance Management and Strategic Planning p. 71-83
Emmanuel, N., & Nwuzor, J. (2021). Employee and organizational performance: Employees perception of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards system. Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 2(1), 26–32.
Marquette University. (n.d.). Performance management.
Chapter 3 PowerPoint slides from Performance Management
Rise. (2020, January 30). How to implement a new performance management plan.

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