Answer the following questions, each in about 300 words based on the assigned ma

Answer the following questions, each in about 300 words based on the assigned materials and class discussion Be specific, accurate, and comprehensive in giving your answers. Please copy and paste each of the questions.
1. Discuss the fundamental teachings of the Upanishads. In your answer, explain the following concepts: Sanatana Dharma, Atman, Brahman, Dharma, Karma, Samsara, Moksha.
2. Explain the Caste system and its connection with the central concepts of Hinduism.
3. Discuss how a revived Hinduism has influenced religious pluralism in India. Share your views in light of the events occurring under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
4. Hinduism in Modern India has defied the secularization thesis with its strong and persistent presence in the everyday lives of many Indians. What can you cite as the enabling factors contributing to this trend? Discuss at least four relevant factors.
5. Discuss the current situation in India concerning the rise of Hindu nationalism. Then, connect this issue (the rise of Hindu nationalism in India) to some of the concepts of Asia discussed in our previous classes, such as Imperialist Asia, Exceptionalist Asia, Nationalist Asia, Universalist Asia, Regionalist Asia, cultural relativism, orientalism, ethnocentrism, etc., that you find particularly relevant.

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