In Tableau, please complete all 5 sheets (charts) using the music store data, ex

In Tableau, please complete all 5 sheets (charts) using the music store data, export the images generated, and answer the questions. When you are done, please submit:
a) a Word file on Canvas with all the exported images from chart1 to chart5;
b) answer the questions with texts and numbers using Google Form link provided below. (I suggest you also paste your answers into this file as a copy of your record) Please pledge your honor code in your Word file by pasting this statement at the beginning of the file: “I confirm that I have generated all these charts in Tableau with my own work.”
Learning objectives: Getting familiar with how to use Tableau, and being able to read the Tableau charts correctly.
1. How would you describe this dataset to a manager? (a general question that one can ask to any dataset)
Answer the following questions with your Tableau charts. You should read the numbers or information from your tableau charts (submitted separately with a Tableau file). Note below are based on filtering all other regions out and keeping only “Europe” and “Asia”.
How many genres were captured? What is the most popular genre and its total sales? What is the second most popular one? (chart1)
Who is the most popular artist? What kind (genre) of music is the most popular among his/her songs? (chart2)
Which country has the highest music sales? What percentage of sales does this country take? (chart3)
How much revenue does India have? (chart4)
Which genre shows a clear declining trend over time? (chart5)
Please answer these questions using the following link, and submit your Word file with all the exported images on Canvas before the due day, 5pm:

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