ENG 1510: This I Believe Essay Prompt PROMPT: Identify a belief or value which i

ENG 1510: This I Believe Essay Prompt
PROMPT: Identify a belief or value which is particularly important, unique, or interesting. Think of an experience in which this belief or value became clear or which supports the belief statement. At the time, you may not have been aware of the impact of the experience, but upon reflection about this experience, you have realized its importance and connection to your development as an individual. In other words, as the result of the deep reflection that you demonstrate in writing this essay, your audience will see that you are aware of a time in your life that has shaped you, your beliefs, and your values.
The best experiences are often those that are most unexpected. The death of a loved one or a near fatal car crash are clearly life-changing events. But often, a more subtle experience can make for a powerful essay and show that in your daily life, however seemingly mundane, you can find opportunities for growth and insight. Write a “This I Believe” essay that captures your belief in an interesting and organized way. There is no exact formula of what your essay should contain, but be sure:
Your essay clearly focuses on one belief.
Tell your story.
Your essay is written in your voice. This essay should fit your personality. Some will be serious, while some will be playful and sarcastic. Try striking the appropriate tone.
Your essay is a minimum of three and no more than five pages using MLA style guidelines.
Think about the belief you wrote about in your Narrative Reflection. What led you to this belief? How do you live this belief? When has it been tested? What experience(s) in your life shaped/validated your belief? Do not feel obligated to answer these questions directly in your essay, however, keep them in mind as you plan and compose your first draft. After taking some time to reflect, compose a personal essay detailing an experience that either shaped or reinforced a belief that you have. Note that this essay is not about convincing others to believe as you believe; it is your chance to articulate the core belief that guides your everyday life. As you look for a focus, try to choose concrete language and to find something that helps others understand your past, present, and future choices.

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