Keep all the graphs, but summarize the information a little bit to fit to two pa

Keep all the graphs, but summarize the information a little bit to fit to two pages, font size should still be 12 pt. Can you also label the graphs appropriately if possible and also make the report a little more creative like maybe referencing the writing to graphs using figure 1 or figure 2 or something. Add another line on the pie chart data too.
These were the assignments requirements: (Make sure the report matches all of these)
Select one (1) categorical and two (2) quantitative variables.Visualize and describe the distribution of each variable using appropriate methods in Excel. For each variable, separately provide:one visual (e.g. graph) – remember the principles of good graphing;
appropriate descriptive statistics;
a one-sentence description of the distribution of the variable. (See examples below.) Spot and describe outliers in the dataset. Do not remove!
Analyze the relationship between the two quantitative variables using the regression options in Excel. Identify which variable is the dependent variable (response) and which variable is the independent variable (explanatory). Provide:
• scatterplot – remember the principles of good graphing;
• appropriate statistics including the line of best fit (regression equation);
• description of the relationship between the two variables that includes the interpretation of correlation, slope and intercept, and the coefficient of determination; and finally a
• recommendation as to whether or not your model should be used for predictions.
Write a two-page Data Report based on your exploration using the following sections:Introduction that briefly states the purpose and contents of the report.
Data section describing the dataset. Methods section describing the choice of variables, visuals created, summary statistics calculated.
Analysis section that contains the required analyses from 5(a-c).
Conclusion giving the most relevant observations and interesting findings.

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