ASSESSMENT: ARTICLE REVIEW [500 words] Select ONE core text from the Topics cove

Select ONE core text from the Topics covered in the first half of Semester B (from 1 to 6) and write an article review (max. 500. words). The core text I have chosen is Kimberlé Crenshaw (1989) Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. University of Chicago Legal forum 139, pp. 139-168.
The article review should include the following:
Summarise the argument(s) of the text.
Explain how the argument(s) of the text relates to perspectives/ debates in Gender and Politics.
Evaluate where possible the strengths and/or weaknesses of the text.
Conclude by providing a brief discussion of the overall contribution of the text to our understanding of the topic.
You can bring in other texts from the module reading list if relevant and to offer a comparison, expand or challenge a point raised or justify any claims made. Remember, however, that the focus should remain on the text under review. You may use the readings I put for the first assessment above and/or the readings down below:
Gail Lewis (2013) Unsafe Travel: Experiencing Intersectionality and Feminist Displacements. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 38(4), pp. 869-892.
Jennifer C. Nash (2013) Practicing love: Black feminism, love-politics, and post-intersectionality. Meridians11(2), pp. 1-24.
Sara Ahmed (2014) “The Contingency of Pain,” in The Cultural Politics of Emotions (Second Edition). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 20-41.
Sara Salem (2018) Intersectionality and its discontents: Intersectionality as traveling theory. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 25(4), pp. 403-418.
Consider the following questions when writing your review:
How does the text you are reviewing relate to other ideas that you have read or come across?
How comprehensive / partial is the information provided in the text? What else would you need to know to have a full appreciation of the subject matter?
Is the content located within a particular school of thought or ideological positioning? Could you locate it within a debate? Are there other views presented elsewhere that support or counter the views stated in your text?
Does the text provide empirical evidence to support its claims or are they based on theory and argument? How persuasive are they?
What are the core insights of the text and, if relevant, how do they complement/ contradict the insights from other reading(s) you have encountered in your studies?
What are the relative strengths and limitations of the text?
Any questions feel free to ask please.

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