Please your own words, don’t copy and paste (no plagiarism) I want answer with A

Please your own words, don’t copy and paste (no plagiarism)
I want answer with APA reference, reference at least 7 references
Task – Briefing paper
The People Practice team has been asked to contribute to the company’s annual learning and development event where each department presents an area of good practice. Your manager thinks this will be an excellent opportunity for the department to showcase how evidence-based practice and analytics are used by the people function to inform sound decisions. In readiness for this event, you are required to produce a briefing paper comprising two sections.
Section One
For section one, the Briefing paper needs to:
●Explain what evidenced-based practice is and how it might be applied within an organisation. (AC 1.1).
●Explain the importance of using data in organisations and why it is necessary to ensure that data is accurate when determining problems and issues. (AC 1.2)
●Explain the different types of data measurements used by people professionals. (AC 1.3)
●Explain how the application of agreed policies and procedures informs decisions (AC 1.6).
●Explain how people professionals create value for people, organisations and wider stakeholders. (AC 2.1).
●Summarise the ways in which you can be customer-focused, and standards-driven in your own context (AC 2.2).
Section Two
For section two you are required to provide a practical working example of how the People Practice team examines, interprets and presents the findings of data in different diagrammatical formats.
Table 1 – Leavers’ data – (please click on the link to open the table)
(Please find the attached excel sheet)
●Table 1 above shows the number of employees leaving the organisation over a yearly period. You are required to conduct common calculations to interpret data (AC1.4) by completing the following:
a.Calculate the overall number of leavers and show as a percentage the different reasons for employees leaving.
b.Work out the average length of service in each team and rank this in ascending order.
c.Rank as a percentage each department’s turnover.
●Present your findings using two different diagrammatic forms so it can be easily understood by end users. From analysis of the findings, comment on any issues that might be revealed in the data and recommend potential solutions. (AC 1.5)
The evidence must consist of:
Guidance paper
▪Section 1. – 1550 words
▪Section 2. – 600 words
Learner declaration:
●I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work.
●I have read the assessment regulations and understand that if I am found to have ‘copied’ from published work without acknowledgement, or from other candidate’s work, this may be regarded as plagiarism which is an offence against the assessment regulations and leads to failure in the relevant unit and formal disciplinary action.
●I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software if required.
●I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance purposes in accordance with the provisions of Data Protection legislation.
●I understand that the work/evidence submitted for assessment may not be returned to me and that I have retained a copy for my records.
●I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through internal and external quality assurance processes it is not fina

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