The historical collision between the western (Europe) and non-western (the Ameri

The historical collision between the western (Europe) and non-western (the Americas) worlds has resulted in contests, negotiations, adaptations, and resistance, to name a few, where the formation and institutionalization of power is concerned. Utilizing lectures, the assigned reading, and assigned videos, please write a minimum five page (double spaced, 12 pt. font) essay in response to the following prompt. Per the evaluation rubric provided below, your essay will be evaluated on the basis of your ability to make statements in response to the prompt, substantiate those statements with evidence from assigned course material along with citations, and provide analysis of the issues addressed.
Prompt #1
Consider the world of indigenous cultures in the Americas prior to European contact (Pre-European civilizations were expansive and highly advanced). Answer both Parts A and B in an essay.
Part A) Address the different types of social organization that existed among indigenous populations. What can be said of cultural diversity among indigenous cultures prior to European contact and how was this reflected? What role did economic development play in inter- and intra- action among these civilizations?
Part B) Address ways in which the pre-contact world was altered after contact with Europeans and after experiences of conquest and colonization. Things to consider:Identify, define and discuss the significance of colonial practices and institutions. How did these affect gender, race, and class positionality and relations? How was the pre-contact world altered after contact with Europeans and after experiences of conquest and colonization? Things to consider:Identify, define and discuss the significance of colonial practices and institutions. How did these affect gender, race, and class positionality and relations?

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