During our semester, each student will be asked to present 2 recent (6 months) b

During our semester, each student will be asked to present 2 recent (6 months) business or political events that demonstrate good leadership and bad leadership qualities. Please use a PP to tell your story and post in Brightspace prior to the class that you will present you work. Keep your presentation to ~10 minutes. At the close of each class, I will ask for 2 volunteers to present at the next class. This work carries a 10% weighting on your class grade.
I need a 2-4 pages ppt and a script(800 words) to present.
Don’t use Elon Musk as an example. If you could, a recent event by the founder of openai could be used as an example for one of them. It is better to choose more mass people or events.
Since I’m an international student, use words and phrases as simply as possible.

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