Question 1 Greta tells her friend, Jala, that in appreciation of the love and a

Question 1
Greta tells her friend, Jala, that in appreciation of the love and affection she has shown Greta over the past 5 years since her husband left her, she will give $20,000 when her bank term-deposit matures in 6 months. Six months later, when the term-deposit matures, Greta tells Jala she will take her out to dinner instead of paying her $20,000.
Ignoring the issue of intention, what will you advise Jala?
State the issue you need to consider.
State the relevant legal rule or rules relating to this problem.
State the main case or cases related to this problem.
Based on this information, if Jala sued Greta for a breach of contract would she win in court? What is your answer – yes? or no?Explain your answer.
Question 2
F offered to sell certain houses to H. H was given 14 days in which to accept the offer. The day after receiving the offer, H posted a letter of acceptance to F. After the letter was posted by H, but before it was received by F, F was offered a higher price for the houses by another buyer. F purported to withdraw his offer to H. F could not withdraw the offer if H had accepted the offer.
State and explain the relevant legal principle, underlying these facts
Using the four-step process and relevant case laws, show what would be the likely outcome were H to sue F for breach of contract.

Posted in Law

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