works needs to be cited! ****needs to include information about each type of nur

works needs to be cited! ****needs to include information about each type of nurse including salaries and if any type of education needed to work as that type of nurse. This paper dose not need extravagant wording. It just needs to be well written. the types of nurse i would like to be are *surgical nurse of some kind(because it would be interesting and the hours would be nice), *maternity/ pediatric nurse (because i love babies but i can not have children of my own due to cancer forcing me to have a hysterectomy when i was in my 20’s.), Traveling nurse like for a cruise ship or a resort or costal/island location. (because i am single and have no children and would love to see more of the world, meet new people, and live life to the fullest), ICU nurse ( I have spent a lot of time in ICU both for myself and my father who just passed away this year from thyroid cancer. The nurses in the ICU’s were always like family by the time we would be able to go home. I just want to be able to give that support and help to my patients that my nurses always gave to me and my loved ones.
For this assignment, you will write a 2-page minimum paper. This DOES NOT include the title page or reference page (you do not need an abstract page for this assignment).
The topic of the paper will be “Nursing Opportunities in Today’s World.” I suggest you pick a couple of areas that you may be interested in, research those areas, and write about them.
Make sure your are utilizing APA formatting in Microsoft Office Word. (please do not use Wikipedia). Look over the rubric to understand how the paper will be graded.
Before submitting your work, please make sure you have cited properly and have run your work through a plagiarism checker.

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