Topic: environmental justice and intersectionality Readings and Resources neede

Topic: environmental justice and intersectionality
Readings and Resources needed to be used:
Sze and London 2008;
Checker 2007;
Brulle and Pellow 2006;
Dillon 2013;
Meiu 2020;
Dooley 2004
In this response, students should reflect on how the chosen concept reflects a need for intersectionality. What is intersectionality? How does it appear in the reading related to the chosen topic? What unique perspectives does the topic bring to the conversation of racialization? What other forms of oppression do the authors associated with the topic raise? What are the structural and everyday elements of oppression demonstrated? How do individuals and groups traverse the terrain of social institutions and circumstances to alleviate social pressures?
Each response paper should be approximately 1200 words, double-spaced, 12-pt font. Each paper should include a separate work-cited page

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