Write an opinion-based paper based on the following criteria.
Identify a population that interests you: Retts Syndrome
-Give sufficient background information about that population
Medical characteristics/symptoms
-Age of onset
-Obstacles and/or challenges unique to this population
-Relate the background information to possible accommodations for music therapy sessions.
-Treatment outcomes
*Explain why you chose this population.
(I’ll write this portion, just indicate a space for where to put it that would be cohesive)
Give suggestions on how a future music therapist can prepare to work with this population while moving forward in their academic endeavors.
MUST be 3 pages minimum.
Reference page (not counted in the 3-page minimum).
American Psychological Association (APA) format 7 (Ed.).
Minimum of two internal citations.
Minimum of four sources on reference page- I’ve included 5 sources to use in the file upload
Proofread and adhere to all grammatical rules.
As a general guide try not to use research past 2013
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