Argue for biggest problem associated with local government. What can be done about this problem? Examine some solutions mentioned in Champagne et al. Put the topic at the top of the page, double space down, then start answering it. 4. When done answering a question, Page Break to start your Works Cited page. 5. If your submit multiple documents, only the first one will be graded. 6. Minimum word count = 1000 words per answer. 7. You may cite sources beyond the book, but you are responsible for the quality of the source. Using a poor source will hurt your grade. 8. Other sources are not a substitute for the assigned book! If you cite another source for information that is in our book, then it will hurt your grade. 9. You are expected to cite the book (and other sources) in your answers (consult the Purdue OWL, the library, or me on Writing Days, if you need help). Un-cited or under-cited answers can be subject to a 0. 10. You should structure your answer as an argument. Research, then build/support your argument. 11. You will need a Works Cited page. PLEASE USE MLA FORMAT!
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