From the basic plank, there are innumerable variations. These can be very simple – lifting a foot, or a hand – or very elaborate and challenging. Variations can make the plank easier, to help us work toward the harder versions (the wall plank is a great place to start for older or less experienced individuals, and can be used to work up to harder versions) or can be made extremely challenging to even a highly experienced person (such as the one-arm-one-leg plank, though you’ll notice the hips are a little high in this example). For today’s discussion, research and find one or two interesting variations on the basic plank. Be sure to not repeat any variations included in this prompt, already posted by other students, and post one specific variation (do not simply link a video compilation or article) in order to earn a token for this response. Try the exercise out yourself, share the link to the image, guide, or video, and answer the questions below: 1) What is different in this variation from the basic straight-arm plank? 2) What is the same in this variation and the basic straight-arm plank? 3) Are there any drawbacks or safety concerns with this variation? 4) What did you feel when you tried this variation? 5) What benefits might consistent practice of this plank variation have? This assignment is scored out of 10 points and represents 2.5 % of the final grade. Respond to the prompt with a substantive, meaningful post for 5 points, reply to a classmate for 3 points, and a third reply earns the final 2 points.
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