Introduction. Include a brief background on the topic being experimented on, its

Introduction. Include a brief background on the topic being experimented on, its prevalence, and a discussion of why the topic is important. What purpose will the studied information be used to do? Who will the information bring awareness to? What group or branch?
• Address the presenting problem. (e.g., why do more females experience abuse than males in rural environments?) This must be a brief statement about the social problem. Who does it affect? How many people have been affected by the social problem?
• Address the significance of the problem and awareness needs to exist.
• Address who needs to be aware of the problem.
Literature Review. Include a review of current literature discussing the social problem. The literature should include 5 credible research sources reviewed from 2019 to the current year. What was discussed Nationally about the topic? What was discussed Statewide about the topic, and locally?
What was expected at that time verses what has been delivered.
• Address 5 credible sources from 2019 and current who have discussed concerns on the topic.
• Address national, state, and local discussions on the topic.
• Address who the sources interviewed and their findings about the social issue.
• Address what the policies, initiatives, etc. involved and how they were used to assist the people affected by the social problem.
• Address what you are seeking to observe. This is the gap to be addressed.
• Address if there is a gap in policies, services, etc. to be amended or not.
• Address if you are seeking to observe whether the target population is accessing the services or not.
Methodology. Include your study design – quantitative or qualitative, etc. What procedures will you use? A random sample? What is the sample size (who, how many, and why)? By using this method what are you aiming to prove?
• Address the method of study studied. Qualitative or Quantitative (e.g. qualitative allows researchers to sit down face-to-face with individuals to hear their perspectives on the topic and write a description of it. The Quantitative allows researchers to gain information on individuals using survey instruments. By using survey instruments, researchers gain a numerical understanding of individuals and their social problems. How many people are or were impacted by the problem?
• Address a random sample designed and why it was chosen. (Interview at least 7 people and design a minimum of 10 questions pertaining to the topic).
• Address confidentiality and Informed Consent.
Research Findings.
• Address the findings. Include the questions – instrument used in the interview. What did you gather from your research? (e.g., domestic violence – how many participated in the research? What number of people experienced either physical, verbal, or mental abuse by their significant other? Compare one response against the other. Substance abuse – how many are affected by substance abuse? How often do they use drugs? What is the difference between male substance abusers and females?
• Address supports. What supports are available to the target individuals? Have they heard of any support? Or, have they utilized any support?
• Address the number of people who have versus those who are not using the services.
• Address gaps in policies, services, and or delivery of services. Based on your interview – where should more focus be on? Or, supports, services, etc. are available but the target group was not aware of how they could receive the services.
• Address how the information you have gathered compare to what scholarly sources has indicated.
• Address how the information received can further shed light on the social problem.
• Conclude the research findings by reemphasizing the presenting problem and your results.
• Address how your findings could shed light or add to previous knowledge about the social problem.
• Address if anything else is observed from your finding surface and needs further observation and why.
• Address how new ideas, methods, or factors could further shed light on this social problem.
Implications to Social Work Practice
• Address what needs to be brought to social work practice attention and why. Can awareness be brought to any other group or groups?
• Address what core values and or ethical principles elicit our services to help those who are vulnerable, and living in poverty, and why?
topic. Your paper should also include a title page, using the above information as requested. Do not include an agenda in your Rural Community Project Paper. Outline each major topic as such (Center and type in Bold 12-font Times New Roman). The body of your paper should not be in bold print, however, double-spaced is required. furthermore, page numbering is required. Students’ work should be their own and not someone else. Students must summarize literature researched on their topic using cognitive affective thinking skills. Although some direct quotations are allowed with appropriate pronunciation and citations, the students’ entire paper should not include the research material. Students should read and summarize the information in their own words. Students’ work that does not represent these methods will earn a Zero. The length of the rural community project paper, excluding the title and reference pages, should be at least a minimum of 10 pages. Students must include at least 5 scholarly references that are not copied or pasted. See the Rural Community Project and PowerPoint and Paper Rubric to write your paper. The rubric does not indicate references. However, a reference page should be included in the paper.

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