Directions: Select the Week 6 Discussion link above and create a thread to post

Select the Week 6 Discussion link above and create a thread to post one response each, to at least three classmates, in a topic-focused discussion. Each response must include an APA reference to a relevant scholarly article; you may not include the same reference more than one time (in post or comments). Be sure to follow the discussion board instructions and make posts by Sunday night, or Saturday night of the last week of the course. Respond to any direct comments or questions initiated by the instructor or a classmate. Please follow the grading rubric for discussion boards.
Last week you made your initial post to the week 5 discussion Board. This week, you will respond to at least 3 classmates on their posts- providing suggestions and/or additional insights.
Michelle wrote-
Identify the research questions (s) for this study.
The research question for this study expounds upon examining the patients’ reports that affect their quality of daily life during the cancer treatment period to fill the gap. It evaluates the positive and negative factors that contribute to the quality of daily life during their treatment period to identify side effects of treatments and elaborates on the provider-patient relationship that supports their investment in the patient’s progression. (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
Provide a critique of the research design.
The critique of the research design identifies several strengths. The study addressed ethical issues before conducting the qualitative study; approval by the Paris-Descartes University review board, and all participants were provided written consent that validates the highest level of research ethics. Using thematic analysis through an interview process identified similarities and differences in the participants’ narratives. These allowed researchers to pinpoint repetitive trends and the implementation of new elements that arise from the study. The method used for data collection acquired two additional single interviews when no new evidence was established, which allowed for complete data saturation (Sibeoni et al., 2018).
In contrast, limitations in this qualitative study should be considered. Research conducted in non-Western countries, such as France, warrants attention when transcribing results because they are highly dependent on their healthcare systems and the country’s economic status which creates bias. In addition, the recruitment strategy excluded dropout participants or those on alternative treatment despite the applicable recurrence in the clinical group, which can limit the findings (Zhang et al., 2022). In conclusion, further qualitative studies are needed to address the specific timeframes and age populations that elaborate on their role in the quality of life.
Provide a critique of the sample and setting in the study.
The critique guideline for study procedures for data collection consisted of a deliberate sampling strategy with the most significant variations in cancer types, stages, and duration of treatments within six treatments and different ranges of ages of participants. This process can limit findings due to excluding participants; however, it is validated for suitable sample size and variation. The study was conducted in the oncology departments of three university hospitals in the Paris area and one in northern France by qualitative researchers- a psychologist and two psychiatrists. The study results may be invalidated when transcribed into English because the standard of care is based on France’s health system and economy (Zhang et al., 2022).

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