Major Essay Compare and Contrast Gender Roles in The Great Gatsby Required Read

Major Essay
Compare and Contrast Gender Roles in The Great Gatsby
Required Reading—F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
The Major Essay is a requirement for this course. Its purpose is to evaluate a student’s understanding of context and purpose in writing, content organization and development, and adherence to the conventions of writing (MLA Format, Grammar, fluency). The Major Essay is a Compare and Contrast Essay and as such students are to answer the following critical thinking question and submit an Academic Format Essay that follows said outline to Professor Fardin. Compare and Contrast Essays either compare two things/person/themes etc that are alike, or the Compare and Contrast Essay compare two things/person/themes etc that are not alike. This essay will consider ONLY Chapters 1-5 of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and follows the Academic Essay Outline format (Moodle)
Compare and/or Contrast how F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby portrays the men and/or women of the Roaring 20’s. Why, in your opinion, are these characters, who are placed in these particular situations, significant to this era of American History and American Literature?
Students will be graded on the following criteria—
MLA Format—Font 12, Times New Roman, Double-Spaced, Work Cited
4-5 Pages
Rhetorical Analysis—Argument and Proof of the Thesis Statement
Critical Thinking Value Rubric/Evaluation—uploaded to Moodle
The Number of Possible Points for this assignment is 100 points
The Compare and Contrast Essay, is due before the QEP Assessment that lists and analyzes the sources utilized in the aforementioned essay

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