This week your case study analysis for [Case #2 Name Here] is due. Submit your p

This week your case study analysis for [Case #2 Name Here] is due. Submit your paper here. Be sure to read the attached case analysis guidance document for additional information on expectations.
Pearson Education – How to Analyze a Case Study
In your analysis paper, answer the following questions and provide facts and information from the case supporting your conclusions.
What challenges do DGPC and companies like it face in international markets? How does NDTO help companies like DGPC bridge those challenges?
Describe Jiwon Kim’s role in advising DGPC. What should DGPC expect from him? How should he think about his responsibilities to DGPC? How important is this project to him in his overall career?
How attractive does the South Korean market appear to be for American pasta exporters? How big is the South Korean pasta market? Provide estimates of the market size and discuss implications.
What opportunities does DGPC have to grow its pasta sales in the South Korean market? Evaluate the attractiveness of each.
Which market opportunity should DGPC focus on? What implications does this bring for selecting a new distributor to work with? Integrate your discussion with observations about the sales opportunities for DGPC in South Korea. Provide ideas about how DGPC can overcome the difficulties presented.
The paper does not need to be in the APA format. Simply list the question at the top of the page, then your answer below it. There is no mandatory length for the paper. However, I would guess that each question would take at least 1-3 pages to answer in depth. Some of the questions may entail some type analysis, such as financial. Include any graphs, charts, tables that you create yourself and deem necessary to answer the question. Do NOT provide any graphs, charts, tables that are provided in the case study.
This is a case study, there is no right or wrong answer. There are, however, strong arguments and weak arguments. I will grade your papers based on the strength of your analysis and how it supports your conclusions.
Some students make the mistake of simply ‘answering’ the question and thinking that is enough. It is not. A big part of the grade is you supporting your answer with facts and analysis. Again, pretend you are presenting to the CEO of your business. They may ask you a Yes/No question, but if you simply tell them Yes or No and remain silent, they’ll wonder if they’ve hired the wrong person. You have to explain WHY you are answering with a Yes or No. What are the facts, what are the pros/cons, what is the analysis that led you to the answer.

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