Respond to Peer in 200+ words: What are three key learnings for you about the co

Respond to Peer in 200+ words:
What are three key learnings for you about the country you studied?
Three key learnings for me about the United States seems like a difficult question to answer on the surface as I am from the United States and have lived in Arizona, Tennessee, and Massachusetts. Going into this course I thought the United States would be easy to understand with my background here, but I found that that wasn’t the case. The first key learning for me is just how vast the United States is and how the culture in the United States can depend entirely on where you are located regionally. A second takeaway is that company culture can also depend entirely on the company – when creating and revising the questions I reflected on my own answers and even asked my husband the questions to get a broader view and our answers while some were similar they varied greatly; despite living and working in the same states. My third key learning about the United States and their culture is how open they are to speak about many topics even in the workplace, but there are three topics that almost all of those from the United States stay away from and those are – sex, religion, and politics. This is interesting to me from a country that discusses all of those topics openly on social media and it is prevalent in conversations from politicians – but everyday people do not care to discuss them as it can lead to animosity.
In what ways does this assignment help you as a manager in any type of cross-cultural environment?
This assignment helps me in a cross-cultural environment by allowing me to think about what I say before I say it. In the United States we typically tend to be blunt when speaking with people, but word choice matters when speaking to anyone. Different cultures have different rules and expectations on how you build trust and I will need to be aware of how to do that as a manager in ANY environment, but especially in those that are different from mine. In the future, I will work on being aware of other cultures and their ideas of trust, effective communication, and negotiation tactics. Overall this made me open my eyes to how important building a rapport with my team is.

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