Describe Kolb’s learning styles theory in detail. Identify an individual and dis

Describe Kolb’s learning styles theory in detail.
Identify an individual and discuss this person’s learning styles. The individual can be yourself, your child, your student, or your colleague. She or he has to be somebody you are very familiar with. You should administer the two Kolb’s learning styles tests on this person. Then you should share and discuss the results of the tests. This means, you will find a person and provide some background information of the person in the essay. Then you have the person do the two Kolb’s Learning Styles tests. In the essay, you will share the test results: Is this individual an activist (accommodator)? A reflector (diverger)? A theorist (assimilator)? Or a pragmatist (converger)? Remember to discuss the results in relation to this person’s learning activities.
Discuss what impact (positive or negative) this person’s learning styles have had or are having on his or her life (place special emphasis on academic or “learning” life). The idea is for you to ‘find’ someone that exemplifies or demonstrates certain learning styles and explain how it affects him or her. Think of it as a living example of what is discussed in the learning styles theory.

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