Module 13- Feminism Discussion Instructions: Browse through a popular women’s ma

Module 13- Feminism Discussion
Browse through a popular women’s magazine and count how many advertisements show women as sex objects. Consider what this is telling readers (women) about how they should look and act. Ads like these not only serve to reinforce patriarchy but also encourage women to participate in their own oppression if they believe these images represent how women ought to look and act to be normal and desirable.
You can include images with your response.
Example from the Textbook:
Let’s consider the advertisement for a Vassarette bra in Figure 7.3 from a radical feminist perspective. At first glance, viewers are likely to dismiss it as just another example of using sex to sell a product. Without a doubt, this is true. A radical feminist perspective would look deeper for messages it sends about patriarchy, masculine hegemony, or heteronormativity in terms of subject and object relationships for women and men in society.
First, consider how the model is dressed. She is presented as a beautiful object for view- ers to enjoy. At the center of the page are her shapely breasts, her full red lips, and her curvaceous midsection. Viewers only notice the iron after gazing at this beautiful sex object. If one does not perceive her as a sex object at first, the multiple-choice questions eventually lead us to do so. She is a beautiful object who is ready to please her husband sexually even while she is supposedly getting ready for work and doing woman’s work in terms of ironing. Notice also that she is ironing with her left hand so viewers can see the ring on her third finger.
These underlying messages offer a preferred reading, reinforcing patriarchy. Beautiful women (particularly married women) should look like this and act like this even while get- ting dressed for work.

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